Type |
Blogger Name (Twitter Handle) |
# |
152 Insights to My Soul (@kristinhtaylor) |
1Book (@ReadTheBible3) |
1Glories (@1Glories) |
365 DAYS of PRAISE (@debbietwilliams) |
3:18 Biblical Counseling (@318BCounseling ) |
7minutes.net (@ChrisGoswami) |
iBlogGospel (@vessel_edet) |
( |
(what’s going on in) Heidi’s Head (@HeidiSays) |
A |
Abide Deep |
Abiding with Christ (@AbidingwChrist) |
Above the Waves: Trusting in Jesus (@dawnklinge) |
Abundant Family Living (@AbundantFamLiv) |
Adonai Shalom USA (@AdonaiShalomUSA) |
Adorned Heart (@AdornedHeart) |
Adrian Warnock (@adrianwarnock) |
Adventures In Frugal Land (@maryaifl) |
After the Altar Call (@jackiehwrites) |
AlanRudnick.org (@alanrudnick) |
Aleysha’s Lifestyle Café (@AleyshaProctor) |
All God’s Women |
Allan R. Bevere: Faith Seeking Understanding (@arbevere) |
Amber Thiessen — In The Vine (@thiessen_amber) |
Amy Boucher Pye (@AmyBoucherPye) |
Amy Carroll (@amycarrollp31) |
An Audience of One (@kpibee) |
Anchored Abode (@AnchoredAbode) |
Angie Vellejo (@musesofamom) |
Anita Ojeda (@blestbutstrest) |
Ann Spangler’s blog (@annspangler) |
Anthony Delaney (@anthonydelaney) |
Apples of Gold (@redjules) |
ApplyGodsWord.com (@Apply_GodsWord) |
Apprentice2Jesus (@cdanielthompson) |
April Yamasaki—on faith & writing (@SacredPauses) |
Arrowheart Ranch (@lucykelley9889) |
Attempts at Honesty Christian Blog (@mhmcintyre) |
Authentic Light (@authenticlight) |
Autism Christian Mom (@chabug2003) |
Ayuda Ministerial (@ayudapastoral) |
B |
Baker Kella (@bakerkella) |
Barefoot and Childless (@barefootstepmom) |
Barefoot In A Holler (@BarefootHannahB) |
Bareknuckle Bible (@BareknuckleJohn) |
Basics Of Life (@thebasicsoflife) |
The Beautifully Ordinary Life (@cherieshaw10) |
Beauty Born Anew (@jestertonian) |
The Becca Files (@thebeccafiles) |
Behold Our Shield (@dollagm) |
Ben Simpson (@bsimpson) |
Beth Anne’s Best (@BethAnnesBest) |
beth willis miller’s blog (@bethmiller) |
Bethany Donham (@BEDonham) |
BettieGsRAseasons |
Beyond the Bookstore (@Words2GrowBy) |
A Bible & A Girl (@thebiblegirl) |
The Bible at Work: Career Coaching in the Five Books of Moses (@TheBibleAtWork1) |
Bible Break with Mark |
Bible Buying Guide (@BibleBuyingGuid) |
The Bible in a Year and Beyond (@Bible365Beyond) |
Bible Junkies (@biblejunkies) |
Bible Prayers (@MaryHSayler) |
Bible Reviewer (@MaryHSayler) |
Bible Snippets (@biblesnippets) |
Bible Wiki (@Bible_Wiki ) |
Bible Women: Ever Upward (@LindsayHFreeman) |
Bible.About.com (@SamTONeal) |
BibleScholar |
Biblio Fanatic (@cheetosrapper) |
Bite Size Bible Study (@gailpurath) |
The Blazing Center (@stephenaltrogge) |
Blessed (but Stressed) (@blestbutstrest) |
Blessed Quietness (@harpsaregreat) |
Blog de Justo Llecllish (@justollecllish) |
Blogging Theologically (@AaronStrongarm) |
Bob on Books: Reflections on Books, Reading and Life |
Bobi Ann Allen (@bobiann) |
Bonnie J. Wallace (@LiveLikeYouKnow) |
Braced By Truth |
BradMerchant | Blog (@brad_merchant) |
Briannagrams |
Bridget Willard (@gidgey) |
Brightest Day (@Ben_Garry) |
Britta Lafont, Everyday Holiness (@BrittaLafont) |
Broken To Breathless |
Bronwyn’s Corner (@bronleatweets) |
The Brook Network (@MelLawrenz) |
Bryony Taylor: on a journey sharing my passion for love, life, faith (@vahva) |
Bubbling Brook (@abubblingbrook ) |
By His Grace, For His Glory (@ReneeMyers3) |
By Quiet Waters (@byquietwaters) |
By The Book (@BeckieByTheBook) |
bylaurastewart.com |
C |
Cancer Smarts (@sharondoconnor) |
Caravan Sonnet (@caravansonnet) |
Cats in the Cradle Blog (@lizardbrooks99) |
Celeta’s Journey (@celeta_c) |
The Chambered Nautilus (@70Palms) |
Chasing Supermom (@chasingsupermom) |
Chellbee (@iamChellBee) |
Chip Tudor (@chiptudor) |
Chosen By His Grace (@ChosenByHisGra1) |
Christ Almighty! (@KW_Leslie) |
Christ for Google Generation (@SagaMandha) |
Christ-Centered Mama (@ChristCenterMom) |
Christel Owoo (@ChristelOwoo) |
Christian Blog 3:16 (@316Prints) |
Christian Book Notes (@ChristBookNotes) |
Christian Haiku: The 17-Syllable Devotional (@christianhaiku) |
The Christian In Society (@cis_africa ) |
Christian Leadership Alliance: Higher thinking. (@CLALeader) |
CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann |
The Christian Reviewer (@kenaniahmwh) |
The Christian Single Mom (@laurapolk) |
Christian Thought Sandbox (@regrivett) |
The Christian Watchman (@emmage002) |
Christian Youth Magazine (@NinaSlay4Christ) |
Christopher Hudson: Read Engage Apply (@ReadEngageApply) |
ChurchTrain (@jgchurchcomms) |
Clarice James (@ClariceGJames) |
A Clay Jar (@EdJarrett53) |
The Colossians Project (@kellyadkins) |
Come Have a Peace (@JulieSanders_) |
Common Denominator (@kenschenck) |
Concerning Truth (@jamesrupeauthor) |
Confecossions of a Recovering P.K. (@jonggibson) |
Confessions of the Pastor’s Wife (@saramsny) |
Connecting Biblical Scholarship to the Church (@Lanier_Greg) |
Connecting the Dots (@gracelfox) |
Connie Rowland (@mastershandcoll) |
Content Marketing for Christian Writers (@wandalball) |
Conversant Faith (@bartonkyle) |
Cord of 6: Keeping Family Strong Through Christ (@Cordof6) |
Countercultural (@camdenmcafee) |
Counting My Blessings (@BlessingCounter) |
Counting Pinecones (@babyvett1) |
Courageous Christian Father (@ChristianBlogR) |
Cover Lover Book Review (@cehartauthor) |
Craig T. Owens (@craigtowens) |
Create With Joy (@CreateWithJoy1) |
Create4Christ Designs (@create4christ ) |
creativitE (@ErinBassett) |
The Cross and The Cosmos (@Trevorthorn1) |
Crystal Stine (@crystalstine) |
Crystal Storms: Encouragement for your heart as we seek God’s heart (@Crystal_Storms) |
Cymplified (@ceemee) |
D |
Dads Teach the Bible (@dtsaggie) |
Daily Radio Bible (@hunterbarnes) |
DailyPS (@DailyPS) |
Daniel in the Lions’ Den (@danielhayward) |
Daniel O. McClellan (@maklelan) |
Daring 2 Make a Difference (@fogwalkerbirdie) |
DashHouse (@DashHouse) |
David C.M. Bell – Bible Commentary for Christian Leadership (@davidcmbell) |
David Lindner |
DaySpring (@DaySpring) |
DeanRobertsNet (@DeanRobertsNet) |
Dear Christian Counselor (@dearxcounselor) |
Dearly Loved Child (@kcharleswrites) |
Debbie Turner Chavers (@ArtParables) |
Debbie Upper |
Debby Hudson, creative (@debby_hudson) |
Deborah Rutherford |
Deep Imprints (@kimmartinez) |
DelightfulMomStuff (@DelightfulMom) |
Delighting Grace (@nitoygonzales) |
Dena Johnson, MA (@dena_cyd) |
Depth, Drive and Direction |
Desiree M. Mondesir (@DesireeMondesir) |
Devoted Mommy of 3 (@devotdmomO3) |
The Devotional Guy™ (@RBantau) |
Devotional Treasures (@DevotionalTrea1) |
Digging The Word (@diggingtheword) |
A Disabled Mom’s Life (@tazmom) |
The Disciplers (@thedisciplers) |
Discipling With a Purpose (@BocaBiker) |
Doc’s Musings (@doctom52) |
Domestic Serenity (@DanieAtDomestic) |
Donna Jones: Helping Women Find and Follow God (@donnajonesspeak) |
Dr Bex Lewis: Life Explorer (@drbexl) |
Dr. Claude Mariottini — Professor of Old Testament (@DrMariottini) |
Drawing on the Word (@drawingonword) |
Dust (@drmacdonald) |
E |
Ebs and Flows (@Neds_Dad) |
Eidos (@jmnr) |
Elihu’s Corner (@elihuscorner) |
Embracing His Will (@embracinghiswil) |
Emerging Scholars Network Blog (@esnivcf) |
The Empowerment Zone (@DrFayMaureen) |
Enthusiastically, Dawn (@enthusiastdaw) |
Envision Bible World (@envisionbiblew) |
Epitome: Life is the Learning Ground (@SJWickham) |
Equippers Network (@Equipper) |
Eric in Context (@Ericincontext) |
Eric Speir: Life & Leadership by the Book (@ericspeir) |
ErnestoOchoa (@eaochoaramos) |
Eryn Lynum (@ErynLynum) |
Eternal Answers (@eternalanswers ) |
Every Day with the King (@EDayWithTheKing) |
Everyday Confessions (@ammiesheart) |
Everyday Truth (@ldfairc) |
Evidential Faith |
Exploring the Truth (@explorthetruth) |
Eye On Christ (@jeremybstrang) |
F |
The FABulous Journey (@ShellieBowdoin) |
Faith and Home |
Faith and Poverty |
Faith by Dummy (@24inmymind) |
The Faith Cafe |
Faith Spilling Over (@BetsydeCruz) |
Faith, Life and Compassion (@FLCompassion) |
Faith. Family. Friendships. |
Faithfueled Mom (@FaithFueledMom) |
Faithfully in Ecuador (@JoannaSormunen) |
FaithGateway (@FaithGateway) |
Falling into Peace(s): Reflections on grace, letting go & imperfection (@Heatherrig) |
Farming On Faith (@farmingonfaith) |
Fearless (@joamaxwell) |
Feeding on Jesus (@JennArimborgo) |
Feels Like Home (@TaraZiegmont) |
Filled to the Fullness of God (@TaraD_) |
Find Your Brave | Embracing Childlike Faith for God-size Living (@MarisaShadrick) |
Finding Grace (@bbhonline) |
Finding Harmony Blog (@FableMom) |
Finding Hope (@KathrynPShirey) |
Finding Joy In Today (@Lori_Benka) |
Finding Sudha (@BFGoodridge) |
First Century Christian Faith (@FirstCenturyCF) |
First Time Mommy Adventures (@angelasolis4) |
Fix It With Fran (@Francinia) |
Flickers of a Faithful Firefly (@HisFireFly) |
Fliterary (@fliterary) |
Flourishing Today (@Alisa_Nicaud) |
Flowing Faith (@flowingfaith) |
For His Glory (@aschaewrites) |
For His Glory Alone (@lovehisglory) |
Framework Leadership |
Free Brethren (@josemariaderus) |
Frog’s Lilypad (@FrogsLilypad ) |
From Ashes To Beauty (@SGiesbrecht) |
From Loss to Hope By God’s Word |
From the Columbia River Gorgeous |
Front Porch, Inspired (@annedahlhauser) |
Front Row Seating (@amberjam74) |
Fruit of Brokenness (@melindavanry) |
Fulfilling the Promises |
Fully Satisfied (@bobbyshirley) |
G |
Galatiansfivethirteen (@galatians_513) |
Gallagher’s Pen (@gallagherspen) |
Gigglingkids (@Gigglingkids) |
Girlfriends Pray Ministries (@GirlfriendsPray) |
Glimmers in the Fog: Finding Glimpses of Divine Providence in Everyday Life (@kimstiver) |
Glimpsed Glory (@glimpsedglory) |
Global Disciples Canada |
The Glorious Mundane |
God Cake (@ninakeeganowens) |
God in the Real World (@Tim_at_GITRW) |
God Sends Me Hearts (@GodSendsHearts) |
God Still Speaks Today |
God Whispers with Cammie |
God’s Lemonade Stand (@BeckyGLSdevo) |
God’s Surprising Treasures (@CindyBarclay) |
GodChild |
Godly Girls For God (@Ggirls4God) |
Godly Inspirations: All things pink & pretty (@ayikailey89) |
Goggles & Grace |
Good Question (@GoodQuestBlog) |
Gordon-Conwell Voices (@gordonconwell) |
Gospel Meditations (@gospelmeditatio) |
Grace Filled Plate |
A Grace Narrative (@JanetteMcLaugh) |
Grace Notes (@KellyLJ1) |
Grace with Silk (@GraceWithSilk) |
Graceful Days Farm |
Gracefully Overcoming (@govercoming) |
GRACELEPEEP (@gracelepeep) |
Gracious Insight (@Graciousesed) |
Grateful for the Grace (@dolly_mink) |
Great Oracles (@great_oracles) |
Greater is in You (@bishoplfwright) |
Greene Pastures: Inspiring Stories about Bible Study and Prayer (@PattiGreene13) |
Growing As Disciples (@DiscipleMaker) |
Growing Kids Ministry (@lrwhitney) |
Growing Pam: Cultivating Faith, Family & Friends at 50 (@pam_growingpam) |
Guiding Light Homeschool (@GuidingLight516) |
H |
Hablemos de Biblia (@FaustoLiriano) |
He Inspired Me (@heinspiredme) |
He Lives (@heddle) |
He’s Taken Leave (@HesTakenLeave) |
Heart For The Cross (@Heart4TheCross) |
Heart Thoughts (@NorthernEaglet) |
Heart-Filled Moments (@heartfulmoments) |
The Heartbeat Magazine Blog (@trackthetime) |
Heaven and Earth (@FrPaulofLynn) |
HeavensGate (@ServantOfGODgh) |
Hebrews12Endurance Blog (@Heb12Endurance) |
Herman’s Neutics (@Hermansneutics) |
Hey Twilli (@heytwilli) |
Hidden Treasures and Riches (@TopeKeku) |
highway2Him (@egoddardtex) |
His Daily Scribe (@hisdailyscribe) |
His Inscriptions (@DeborahSPerkins) |
His Purpose in Me (@TayrinaGzlz) |
His Whisperings (@queenbjan) |
The Holy Mess (@SaraBorgstede) |
Home with the Boys (@homewiththeboys) |
Homeland Park Baptist Church (@homelandparkbc) |
Hoovitorloseit (@hoovitorloseit) |
Hope Anchors the Soul (@_tw) |
The HOPE Coach (@JoAnnFore) |
Hope in Jesus |
Hope Secure (@hope_secure) |
The Hungry Pelican |
I |
I Am Believing God (@jillpottsjones) |
I Give God All The Glory (@givegodallglory) |
I Love the Psalms (@kitz_david) |
I Write 4 HIM (@deniseHdavis) |
The Identity Project (@kristenlevensen) |
The IE Mommy (@iemommy) |
illuminate (@chris10price) |
iLoveMy5Kids (@loving5kids) |
Imago Dei |
In a Christian poet-writer’s life — Mary Harwell Sayler (@MaryHSayler) |
In a Mirror Dimly (@edcyzewski) |
in All things (@in_all_things) |
In His Presence |
In Light of This |
In The Fishbowl (@inthefishbowl) |
In the Not Yet |
In the Shadow of Circumstance (@Ggirls4God) |
Inspiration, Art and Creativity |
Inspirations by Shearon Hurst (@shearonhurst) |
InstaEncouragements (@InstaEncourage ) |
Into Thy Word (@intothyword) |
The Introverted Believer (@kassfogle) |
Ironstrikes (@drwaymanPhD) |
Isaac Hopper | Liquid Faith (@isaachopper) |
Isamonkey Reviews |
iStudyEBS (@iStudyEBS) |
It’s Storytime With Van Daniker! (@bereal_22) |
J |
Jaimie Bowman / Ministry & Motherhood (@jmebowman) |
JamesOne |
Jawbone Digital (@Jawbonedigital) |
JBB (@jbb_lkh) |
jeanypavettbooks.com (@JeanyPavett ) |
Jeff Randleman.com (@randleman) |
jemfinds – Hello World 2.0 (@jemfinds) |
Jen Underwood (@JennifUnder) |
Jennifer Dukes Lee (@dukeslee) |
Jennifer Kaufman Online (@jnkaufman) |
Jennifer Lambert (@JenALambert) |
Jennifer Renee Watson (@JreneeWatson) |
Jenny Shinsky—Living a faith-filled life (@jennyshinsky) |
jeremybouma: faith, life, & everything in between (@bouma) |
Jesus Creed (@scotmcknight) |
Jill’s Purpose Driven Life (@jillpottsjones) |
Joanna Watson Blog (@JoannaWatsonWrites) |
John Wylie (@johnwylie) |
Jolene Underwood (@Faith_Eyes) |
Joshua’s Outpost (@Joshuasoutpost) |
A Journal of Missional Living (@SharonRHoover) |
The Journey Deeper (@dead_broken) |
Journey Pink (@MichelleViscuse) |
Journey Thoughts (@LynnIDove) |
A Journey to a Masterpiece (@travlinT) |
Joy Amidst the Chaos |
Joy DeKok Author & Blogger (@JoyEDeKok) |
Joy Margetts Blog (@JAMarge) |
Joy Pedrow: the joy in the journey (@JoyPedrow) |
Joyful Moments with Donna J. Shepherd (@donnashepherd) |
JoyfulTimesToday.com (@TodayisJoyful) |
JoyMoms (@danabailey) |
JTK: Stories of Love, Healing, and Deliverance (@JenniferTKnight) |
Jubliee Journey (@SukeyMackie) |
Julie Sunne (@JulieSunne1) |
jumpintotheword (@SUinCanada) |
K |
Karen Hopkins Online (@karenhonline) |
Kick Boxing Believers (@kbbevangelist) |
Kimberly Griffith Massey (@kanderson576) |
Kimberly Majeski (@kimberlymajeski) |
Kinda Crunchy Family |
Kingdom Creative: Transformative Digital Resources for Women of Faith (@candicezakariya) |
Kingdom Driven Leader (@jarvisteam) |
Know-Love-Obey God (@monicasharman) |
Knowing The Time (@knowingthetime_) |
Krista Dalton (@KristaNDalton) |
Kristen Watterson (@kriswatterson) |
Kristine McGuire (@kristinemac) |
Kyle McDanell (@mcdanell99) |
L |
A Lady’s Guide to the Christian Life (@Allison_Gentry) |
LaToya Jyadon: Sharing the Love of Christ (@LaToyaJyadon) |
Laura Rath ~ Journey in Faith (@LauraJRath) |
Laura V. Hilton (@Laura_V_Hilton) |
Lauren Hunter: Journey Together (@laurenhhunter) |
Laurie Coombs (@lauriecoombs) |
Leading From Your Strengths (@Insights_Intl) |
Leading Women to Christ (@Women_leading) |
Leah DiPascal (@LeahDiPascal) |
Leanne Penny (@leannepenny) |
Learning Table (@learningtable) |
Learning, Teaching, and Laughing (@doughibbard) |
Len Wilson (@Len_Wilson) |
Life & Ministry (@wjcollier3) |
The Life and Times of Dawn vs. MS (@dsdumpling) |
The life and times of Perry… |
Life in a Crazy World (@jonathanmhoover) |
Life in ministry, Life with kids, Life with Jesus (@DaniChristy) |
Life in the Labyrinth (@LIT_Labyrinth) |
Life is a Journey (@billmounce) |
Life is Hope (@DJamesMax) |
Life Love and Littles (@ LLandlittles ) |
Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman (@ordaussiewoman) |
Life, Gratitude, Faith, & Passion (@derekmaul) |
LifeNotes (@nylse_esahc) |
Lifestyle of Worship (@bettydadzie) |
Lift Up Your Day(@RodneyCoe) |
Lighthouse Academy (@Laura_V_Hilton) |
Like Minded Musings (@BlogLikeMinded) |
Linda Kuhar, Christian Life Coach (@LindaKuhar) |
Lindsey Bell: Faith and Family (@LindseyMBell) |
Lisa Buffaloe (@lisabuffaloe) |
Lisa Marcelina (@lisa_marcelina5) |
Lisa Murray: Peace for a Lifetime (@_Lisa_Murray) |
Little Lightbulbs (@ltllightbulbs) |
Liv By Grace (@LivByGraceBlog) |
Live 4 Him (@davepeever) |
Live Bold—Fueling your faith. Empowering your life. (@liveboldnow) |
Living a Fit and Full Life (@jsismee) |
Living Grace (@alanpaulstevens) |
living in his grace |
Living in the Sweet Spot (@kimberlyamici) |
Living it Up (@leonamanutd) |
Living Joyfully Free (@LivingJoyfullyF) |
Living One Word (@LivingOneWord) |
Living Our Days (@MicheleDMorin) |
Living With Eternal Perspective (@JamyWhitaker) |
Living With Faith (@livingbelief) |
Liz Curtis Higgs (@LizCurtisHiggs) |
the long way home | Prodigal Paul (@PaulBurkhart_) |
LorettaMonroe.com (@LorettaLMonroe) |
Lori Behrens (@LoriBehrens) |
Loving God Loving Others (@JulieLefebure) |
LUKEWARMCHURCH (@patriiot0) |
Lullaby Lark
Luma Simms (@lumasimms) |
Lutheran Confessions (@Schnekloth) |
LyonsLady (@lyonslady) |
M |
The M.O.M. Initiative (@themominitiativ) |
Mainstreamblog (@MichaelJaymes38) |
Mammas Place (@thekaraokechick) |
Marisa D’Amore (@marisadamore) |
Mark Braye’s Blog (@markbraye) |
Marketplace Ministry (@GodWithUsAtWork) |
markpowellwired (@markpowellwired) |
Married to the Cloth (@yarn_yenta) |
Master What Matters
(@PamPegram) |
Master’s Hand Collection (@mastershandcoll) |
The Master’s Link (@cbagagliawood) |
The Master’s Table (@clarkjbunch) |
Mattera Ministries International (@JosephMattera) |
Meditations from the Heart (@ArmstrongJulieW) |
Melinda V. Inman (@MelindaVInman) |
Melissa Mashburn—Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith. (@Mels_World) |
Melissa’s Musings (@MelissaWaters15) |
melissadanisi.com (@melissa_danisi) |
Mess To Beautiful (@MesstoBeautiful) |
Messy Marriage (@BethSteffaniak) |
Metromonk: Like and Faith (@metromonk) |
Michael Wear (@MichaelRWear) |
The Mimosa Blossom
(@) |
Miranda Miller (@mirandamiller03) |
Miriam Jacob’s Portfolio (@miriamjacob) |
Missional Women (@laurakrokos) |
Modern Girl in the New Covenant (@NewCovenantGirl) |
Moleskine Disciples (@bryandupuis) |
Molly Wilcox |
Mom’s Going (@AlysonPalermo) |
Moment to Moment, Spreading inspiration Moment to Moment (@waugh_chris) |
MomStart (@momstart) |
MondokBlog (@bryonmondok) |
More Of Him (@moreofhimblog) |
More Than Yourself, Inc. (@kristinebrown43) |
More to Be: Impacting Teens, Influencing Moms, Inspiring Mentors (@elisapulliam) |
The Mosaic Life (@leeanngtaylor) |
Mosaic Momma (@HeatherHilscher) |
Mother of Three (@MomMcIlwain) |
Much Grace Publications (@MuchGracePubli1) |
Musings from a Mad Woman (@marjoriepoff) |
Mustard Seed Blog (@JillMcIlreavy) |
Mustard Seed Mommy (@mustardseedmom) |
My Big Jesus (@MyBigJesus) |
My Heart’s Song (@MichelleM_MHS) |
My Life As Lori (@MyLifeAsLori) |
My Life in Our Father’s World (@barb_hegreberg) |
My Life. His Story. (@leigh_powers) |
My Orchard by the Stream (@Orchardbythest2) |
My Pastoral Ponderings (@jelaurence ) |
My Perspective (@jasonenorris) |
MyFaithplace.net |
N |
Nazarene Caffeine (@NazareneCaffei1) |
Near Emmaus (@brianleport) |
Nevertheless…Breaking Chains and Living Free (@mattheaglass) |
New Testament Redux (@paulredux) |
New Wineskins (@joshdaffern) |
NewStart Discipleship (@newstartdisc) |
NexoCristiano (@NexoCristiano) |
Next Steps (@joshdaffern) |
nicole unice (@nicoleunice) |
nikolehahn.com (@NikoleHahn) |
Nine Line Ministries (@CamSwanson) |
No More Band-aids (@stepheewilkins) |
North American Mission Board (@PeytonJonesPunk) |
Not About Me (@Carole_Sparks) |
Not Ashamed of the Gospel (@petenaotg) |
Nuwamanya Mategyero (@nmategyero ) |
O |
Occasional Thought (@randy_rkj1990) |
Oido Pastoral Más Bienaventurado Es Escuchar (@vladimirlugomt) |
Olem (@gprutter) |
On the Vine (@tonijenschke) |
On the Way (@onthewaybg) |
One For Jesus: Not for myself, may I be one for Jesus; not divided, may we be one for Jesus (@be1forjesus) |
OneChristianMan (@jsexton99) |
Onesimus Calling (@onesimuscalling) |
OneThingAlone (@asheritah) |
Only A Little While (@thewiserway) |
Only By His Grace (@onlybyhisgracesusan) |
Our Appalachia Homeschool |
Our Everyday Harvest (@oureverydayharv) |
Our Little Corner of the World (@YvonneLReynolds) |
Our Simple Kinda Life (@simplelife4Him) |
Out of Eden Ministries (@Kwasion) |
Outside the Box Mom (@todaysworkmom) |
Outside The Camp (@JoeyZorina) |
P |
Paradise Praises (@ParadisePraises) |
The Park Forum (@TheParkForum and @StevenDilla) |
Pass On to Press On (@presson1013) |
Passage Through Grace (@MaryGeisen) |
Passionately Leading Women to the Heart of God in the Day to Day (@AngieBeaver_DDM) |
Passionately Pursuing Christ – Christ-Centered Poetry (@debbieharris1) |
Pastor Brett (@pastorbrett) |
Pastor Huff (@pastor_huff) |
Pastor Jimmy Proulx (@jimmyproulx) |
Pastor Matt (@PastorMattR) |
The Path to God in Constant Prayer (@seekproverbs31) |
Patheos Evangelical — Tip of the Spear (@Bshow_Tenor) |
Patricia Raybon: Writing in the Word (@PatriciaRaybon) |
Patrick Oben Ministries Inc. (@patrickoben) |
Peace In The Stillness (@7DegreesOfMe) |
Peaceful Home (@smiley_lizzie) |
A Peculiar Prophet (@WillimonTweets) |
Pencilled Daydream (@ashleybaker02) |
People of Wonder (@beautifulmanda) |
Petals from the Basket (@BrendaStrohbehn) |
PeterGoeman.com — The Musings of a Bible Sojourner (@petergoeman) |
PeterStevens.me (@j_peterstevens) |
A Pew Perspective (@Anne_Baxter_C) |
Pics and Posts (@DrCTM) |
Poet of Dreams
Poet Writer Dreamer (@villasyl) |
Poetry Joy |
Ponderings on a Faith Journey (@drbobcwcc) |
postmodernbible (@pmphillips) |
Practical Theology for Women (@wendyalsup) |
Praise through Trials (@leroux_lucy) |
Praise2Worship |
Praises of a Wife and Mommy (@apesjo) |
Prayer Is A Key (@key_prayer) |
Prayer Relay Movement (@PrayerRelayMvt) |
PreachDigest (@PreachDigest) |
The Primary Source Project (@4PrimarySources) |
Psephizo: scholarship. serving. ministry. (@Psephizo) |
Pure Purpose (@susanhlawrence) |
Purposeful Faith (@kellybalarie) |
Purposeful Pathway (@caroline_gavin) |
Pursuing Biblical God (@Peter_DeHaan) |
Pursuing Stacie (@pursuingstacie) |
Pursuing Veritas (@pastorjakestl) |
Q |
The Quiet Place (@TQPRest) |
R |
Rachel Britton: Being bold on the journey (@racheljbritton) |
Rachel Elizabeth Campbell |
Rachel’s Reflections (@r_vandeu5en) |
The Radiant Wife (@RadiantWife) |
Raising Samuels Homeschool (@raisingsamuels) |
Raising Soldiers 4 Christ (@RS4Christ) |
A Ranch Mom (@aranchmom) |
Raventhreads (@Raventhreads) |
Reading, Writing and Pondering (@teaandbooks) |
Real Bible Experience (@BibleExperience) |
Real Talk 859 (@beequipped) |
Real Women Ministries (@realwomenmin) |
Realizing God’s Divine Love |
Redeeming God (@jeremyers1) |
Redemptions Touch (@RedemptionTouch ) |
Refining Grace (@janeanderson) |
Reflections in the Mess (@WemiOmotosho ) |
Renee Griffin (@_zebrastripes) |
RESOLUTE (@be_resolute) |
Resounding His Love (@ResoundHisLove) |
Resources for Ministry (@ayudapastoral) |
Rest for the Soul (@Restforthesoul) |
Rethinking My Thinking (@Rethinkingme) |
Rev. Brent L. White (@brentlwhite) |
Rev. Matthew Hogan’s Weekly Blog (@revmatthewhogan) |
Reverend Kyle Norman (@RevKyle1) |
Reviews, Reflections, and Research: on Exegesis, Theology, and Church Life (@youngkerux) |
RevTrev.com (@revtrev) |
Rhemalogy (@cfleach1) |
The Riches of His Love (@richesofhislove) |
RobHoskins.com (@robhoskins) |
Robin R. King (@robinrking63) |
Rock Solid Faith (@faith_solid) |
Room to Breathe (@Heather_C_King) |
Rosewalto (@Rosewalto) |
Rugged and Redeemed (@hollymthethwa) |
A Rup Life (@aruplife) |
Ryan Saffer (@safferryan) |
S |
S T E D E (@AndreaP38017800) |
Sacred Mundane (@karipatterson) |
SallyClarkson.com (@Sally_Clarkson) |
Salt & Light |
Salt and Light (@MastersQuill) |
Salvaged Faith (@pastorkatie) |
Sam Hailes (@samhailes) |
A Sandy Path (@asandypath) |
Sara, Living Free (@SaraJaneKehler) |
Sarah Travis: Living As Accepted. Believing You Belong. (@srhtrvs12) |
sat n all that (@jacksdavie) |
A Satisfied Spirit (@CrossStitchCafe) |
SCQuest (@scquest) |
The Scribe’s Portion (@TheScribe_Blog) |
A Scriptural Observation Of The Human Condition (@HolleringStump) |
Scripture Awakening (@B90BNEXTBEYOND) |
Scripture Lullabies |
Scripture-Simplified |
ScriptureWay (@ScriptureWay) |
Searching for Moments (@lori_schumaker) |
Second Wind (@christian61088) |
Seed Apostolic Deliverance Ministry |
Seek: A Woman’s Guide to Meeting God (@donnajonesspeak) |
Seeking Jesus |
Seeking Our God (@mandrtaylor and @DailySeekingGod) |
Seeking With all Yur Heart (@lcjohnson1988) |
The Seminary Blog (@theseminaryblog) |
Serenity in Suffering (@serenityinsuff1) |
Servants of Grace (@DaveJJenkins & @servantsofgrace) |
Seven whole days (@scottagunn) |
Seventy Palms (@70Palms) |
Shades of Grace (@NatalieGNichols) |
Share (@hargleyj) |
Sharon Glasgow (@sharonglasgow) |
Sharon Jaynes (@sharonjaynes) |
Sharon P. Burleson: Every Good and Perfect Gift (@sharonpburleson) |
Sharon R Paavola (@sh2rose) |
She Laughs Without Fear (@madiwenger) |
Shelemah (@ leahlessene ) |
Sherri Woodbridge:blooming where I’ve been planted (@slwoodbridge) |
Shine Today (@karenlemar) |
Simblissity Cottage (@SimblissityJenn) |
A Simple Life, really?! (@asimplelifereal) |
Simple Theology, Messy Life (@GeneWhitehead) |
Simply Coffee And Jesus (@JesusChasing) |
Simply Katherine (@klimanjaya) |
Simply Sherryl (@SimplySherryl) |
Simply T Nicole (@TamaraSouth1) |
SimplyME (@VeronicaHerzing) |
Sister Mary Dandelion (@SisterMaryDande) |
The Slasher Pastor (@stevenkopp) |
Smart Mom Smart Ideas (@smartmomideas) |
Snark and Sensibility (@lwrondeau) |
Snyder’s Soapbox (@xiqtem) |
Soaring With Him Ministries (with Patricia Holbrook) (@PatHolbrook) |
The Sojourner Chronicles (@cwalteroverman) |
Soliloquium (@gavinortlund) |
Something More (@Cwsomethingmore) |
Sophie Neville (@Sophie_Neville) |
Soul Survival (@DReidland) |
The Sparks Notes (@LaurenRSparks) |
Sparrow’s Song Ministries (@Sparrowssongmin) |
A SPIRIT-Kissed Soul by Tai East (@TaiEast) |
Spiritually Grounded (@GrowInSpirit) |
Spiritually Single (@spiritualwifey) |
Spotlight (@LindseyBeckie) |
Square Peg, Holy God (@SamanthaCitty) |
Steph Beth Nickel’s Blog (@StephBethNickel) |
Stephanie Raquel: Leading Women Who Lead Women (@stephraquel) |
Stephen De La Vega (@AuthorSDeLaVega) |
Stephen M. Miller’s Bible Blog (@StephenMMiller_) |
Stories of Life (@MikeGSmith2) |
Strange Christianity (@dollabillsay) |
Strength For the Soul (@CindiMcMenamin) |
Strength to Care: Lessons from Matthew and Isaac (@kmtroupe) |
Strength with Dignity |
Strengthen Your Heart |
Successful Mom (@successfulmom3) |
Sue’s Trifles (@suesconsideredt) |
SueDetweiler.com Inspiring Women in Their Adventure of Faith (@SueDetweiler) |
Sunflowers On The Hill (@sunflowersblog) |
Sunny and 80, Life Within the Love of Jesus (@sunnyand80) |
Surpassing Greatness (@smeledeo) |
Susan B. Mead (@SusanBMead) |
Susan L Davis |
Susan’s Substack (@Hopeful50) |
Sweet Tea and Me (@mads_macmath) |
Sweeter Than Honey (@DianneSTH) |
T |
TacticalChristianity (@tacticalbelief) |
Targuman (@Targuman) |
Teresa Santoski (@TeresaSantoski) |
TheGodminute (@sophyee1) |
Theological Musings (@catfishjim) |
Theology and Everyday Life (@korycunningham) |
The Things Unseen (@ThingsUnseen418) |
Think About Such Things (@Melissat24) |
Think Eternity (@evangelistmatt) |
Thinking Through Christianity (@ThinkThroughIt) |
Thirsting For God (@joshtetelestai) |
This is Eric Case: Faith, Creativity and Collaborative Leadership (@ericcase) |
This Vertical Life |
Thomas E. McDaniels (@thomasmcdaniels) |
Thomas L Horrocks (@thomaslhorrocks) |
Thoughts in the Dark (@hamiltonmj1983) |
Thoughts, Prayers, & Songs (@Jamichuk) |
threads (@threadstweets) |
Threads from Henry’s Web (@hneufeld) |
Through Clouded Glass (@CallieNicole7) |
Tickles and Tots (@ticklesandtots) |
To Sow a Seed (@To_Sow_a_Seed) |
toddcast (@tcatteau) |
Tracie Miles, Inspiring Women To Live Intentionally For Christ (@traciewmiles) |
Training Keepers of the Home (@MancelonaMama) |
Transformed (@HeatherBleier) |
Trending Mama (@TrendingMama) |
True and Faithful (@AppeloLisa) |
Truth For The Ages |
Truth Pressure (@Truth_Pressure) |
Turning Mountains into Molehills (@YMMauthor ) |
TylerInloes.com – Become a Man of God (@Tyler_Inloes) |
TylerKurbat.com (@tylerkurbat) |
U |
Uncompromising Faith (@Uncomp_Faith) |
Unmasking the Mess () |
Unveiled Wife (@unveiledwife) |
Useful Breath |
The Usual Mystics |
V |
The Vicar Speaks (@rockstarvicar) |
Vicki Bruce – The Spirit Led Writer (@loveverabradley) |
Video Bible (@thevideobible1) |
Virtual Chapel (@revthrash) |
VisionHub – (Run With The Vision) (@Lactemps) |
Viviendo para Su gloria (@KensonGonzalez) |
Vladimir Lugo, Tecnologías Ministeriales (@vladimirlugomt) |
Vulnerable Prayers (@kortneystanis) |
W |
Walking In My Destiny (@durhamjasonm) |
Walking in the Word (@alicewilliam86) |
Walking with God Through Pain and Illness (@MandaFord211) |
Walking with Jesus (@tickmenot) |
Warrior Women Blog (@warriorwomen7) |
Water On Thirsty Land (@JeanneDArcc89) |
Waterfall of Words (@waterfallwords) |
Wateringcanblog (@vickiemunton) |
Wealthy N Wise Woman (@Bwealthynwise) |
Wedgetail Ministries (@wedgetailmin) |
The Wee Flea (@theweeflea) |
Weekly Monday Posts (@ahwministries & @ThompsonDearGod) |
What the Bible Says About Love (@MaryHSayler) |
WhatDoesItMeanToServeGod.com (@GodBibleChurch) |
Whole Magazine (@wholemagazine) |
Wildflower Faith (@JBenlienReeves) |
William A. Ross: Old Testament and Septuagint Studies (@WilliamARoss27) |
Windy London (@windy_london) |
Winter Speaks (@harriswinter) |
Wisdom, Grace, and Curls (@wisdomgracecurl) |
Wise Women Raising Wiser Daughters (@LynnCowell) |
Woman of Noble Character (@womannoblechar) |
Women Mentoring Women (@joangallagher) |
Word for Today (@SallyGarwood) |
The Word for Word Bible Comic Blog (@WforWBibleComic) |
A Word of Encouragement (@Laura_Poole) |
Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter(@kwidenhouse) |
Words For The Kingdom (@jesselbarnett) |
Words Half Heard |
Words of Joy (@wordsofjoy75) |
Words of Rejoice (@AnneKristy) |
Words, Photos and Art (@GaylWright) |
Work in Progress (aren’t we all) (@rutheverhart) |
Work. Rest. Pray. (@PrayRest) |
A Worshiper’s Journal |
Worth Beyond Rubies (@live31blog) |
The Writer (@MarthaWatkins52) |
Writing Canvas (@MamaofaDozen) |
Written with a Pen Named Hope |
Y |
Yahweh Lives (@redeemcreature) |
Yomi’ Segun Stephen – Professional Reader | Casual Observer (@YSStephen) |
You Can Have Hope (@tony1865) |
Young Wife & Mom (@YoungWifeMom) |
Youth Work Hacks (@timgoughuk) |
YUMMommy (@yummommies) |
Z |
Zweibach and Peace (@PandaMennoDeb) |
Zwinglius Redivivus (@emilbrunner1) |